Friday, December 23, 2011

SONG OF THE DAY: Los Campesinos! - "By Your Hand"

Indie pop is certainly a fun thing. While some of it can be both fun and earnest, most is generally exciting to hear with no true lyrical depth. Los Campesinos! is no exception of this. That's no offense to them however. Foster the People bridged the emotional gap with only one track from their debut LP and we still love that album.

"By Your Hand" is the first track from Los Campesinos! newest record, Hello Sadness. The track is cute and features everything that indie pop needs to make a hit. See the poppy synth line to carry the listener through the verses leading into the massive and cherry chorus. The band also does themselves a favor by leading off with the chorus before diving in lyrically. 

The words are direct and somewhat boyish. The sexual references are there for sure, but they aren't exactly well aged (see "her hand in my trousers"). That's pretty much the best outline of the verses. The chorus is another thing though. They do show some maturity with the lyrics. After the titular line, they go on to sing, "i have been dreaming you've been dreaming about me." While it isn't quite "Rolled Together" material, I was impressed with this line. It's a smart teenage view on the subject at the least. But then we got back to the verses. Not that big a fan of, "i lay you down atop the baize."

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